Obiettivo Generale

The project implies the study of the impact of the progressive salinization of ground due to marine intrusion on woody plants and biodiversity in Pianosa island, Italy. Because woody species explore the groundwater with their roots, we expect an impact of the salinization on the growth of the shrubs. On the other hand, woody plants can have a nurse effect providing microsites favorable to other

Descrizione delle attività previste

We will select three sectors that represent high, medium, and low electrical conductivity of the Pianosa aquifer, based on the published piezometric map (https://brp.cnr.it/index.php /it/progetti/progetti-in-corso/26-pianosaquifer). Using the map of vegetation (Colom et al., 2004) we will install three square plots of 10x10m in each sector. In each plot, we will characterize the vegetation (cover and species richness) and we will count, identify, and mark all the present shrubs. We will select 10 adults of each shrub species to measure the height and two canopy diameters. We will identify all herbs and grasses under the canopy of each shrub in four 1 m2-square located in the four cardinal points. We will repeat the same measures in gaps between the shrubs. The herbs and grasses will be classified based on their origin (native, exotic) and life cycle (perennial, annual). Colom M.R., F.P. Vaccari, A. Scartazza, E. Brugnoli, G. Zerbi, S. Sforzi, R. Baraldi, Cotrufo M.F., L. DʼAcqui, C.Santi, C. Vazzana , R.Vivoli, L. Spaccino.2004. Pianosa Island: Structure, Functioning and Biodiversity of Main Ecosystems. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology vol. 5, No.1.

Descrizione dei risultati attesi

Data to be obtained: Lower height and canopy area of the selected shrubs in the sector with higher electrical conductivity. Higher richness of herbaceous species and grasses under the canopy area of the shrubs (nurse effect) than in the gaps between shrubs. Different species richness at different cardinal points, due to different degrees of sunlight exposure and/or protection from dominant winds.

Elenco nomi partecipanti al progetto:
CNR-IBE: Francesco Primo Vaccari, Francesco Sabatini, Romina Lorenzetti, Filippo Gallese
INIBIOMA – ARGENTINA: Sofia Gonzalez, Luciana Ghermandi
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